Powered By OneTable changes the way you build community.

From real-time data delivery to custom events, your network’s about to increase exponentially. Here’s how Powered By OneTable has surpassed engagement expectations:

Connect Jewish Tucson

Launched: November 2023

Goal: Increase attendance numbers and give new users an ample assortment of opportunities to engage Jewishly in a given week or month.

Why it works:

Jewish Federations aim to engage all demographics across a given community and the Powered By OneTable platform enables the Tucson Jewish community to grow their participation numbers organically through peer-to-peer engagement.

engagements created within 3 months of launch
unique hosts in first 2 months
of users are older than 41 (and this number continues to grow)
Amy Glass, PhD
VP of Strategy and Community Impact
“The Powered by One Table platform is enabling the Southern Arizona Jewish Community to create Jewish experiences that meet the diverse needs of our individual community members on our site, Connect Jewish Tucson. Initially, we piloted our community-wide approach with young adults, capitalizing on drawing in several organic groups who were already meeting outside our traditional Jewish spaces. Connect Jewish Tucson made it easier for them to promote their gatherings and expand to draw in new participants. Including the leaders of these organic groups in both our website design and as early creators of experiences was key to our initial success. Now we're expanding to other demographic groups using the same strategy of pulling in key stakeholders as advisors and early adopters.”
Create one-of-a-kind experiences for more people, in more places.
The Powered By OneTable team is here to find a solution and price that fits your organization.